Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ariadne auf Naxos

...has been going great!  The production got a really nice review in San Francisco Classical Voice, which it wholly deserves.  There is freaking gorgeous singing going on from all the principles in their nuttily demanding roles, and the staging is super fun and completely lovely.  I don't want to give too much stuff away; however, I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that Marie, Buffy, and Emma all sound like a million bucks.  Which together totals three million bucks.  So the price of your ticket is getting you a whole lot of value.

There's this Brief History of Opera thing (not exactly sure of the name of it) that we used to watch in Opera Workshop in undergrad, in which a Canadian* woman's voice gave a point-by-point tally of the number of murders, affairs, suicides, walking talking statues from Hell, and other prurient and/or scandalous points of interest which take place in major operatic works.  The Brief History of Opera-style synopsis of this production of Ariadne goes thusly:

Fireworks!  Projection!  Sapphism!  Slapstick!  Dejection!  Delusion!  People from Milpitas!

Walking talking statue from Hell not included.  This time.

There are two more performances: November 4 at 8 pm, and November 6 at 3 pm.  Purchase tickets and find out information at:

*Well, she sounded a little like the lead singer from Heart anyway.

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